As Contemporary Theatre Review has expanded (with an allocation for 2009 of 136 pages per issue), so have the simple administrative tasks such as logging in of submissions, preparing publicity copy, routine communications with the publishers, etc. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of London has created a unique opportunity for a doctoral studentship based in the Department of Drama at Queen Mary to act as editorial assistant during their time as a registered student. As part of their scholarship, the editorial assistant will agree to offer 6-8 hours per week of administrative support to CTR.
This research studentship provides a one-off opportunity for a suitably qualified individual to undertake doctoral research on some aspect of international theatrical cultures working within the excellent provisions for graduate study in Drama offered by Queen Mary. The student will also play a crucial role in building further an international journal with exciting plans for the coming three years.
Applicants should be holders of a good first degree from any university, with relevant MA studies completed or close to completion, and should be competent readers and writers of at least one language other than English.
Applicants must complete a Queen Mary University of London postgraduate application form, which can be downloaded from:
In addition, they should provide a 500 word statement explaining why they are applying for this particular scholarship and why they feel equipped to take on the role of editorial assistant on the journal.
The application form should be marked clearly with “CTR APPLICATION DRAMA” and sent to the address at the top of the form. Applications may only be sent to Postgraduate Admissions and not directly to members of academic staff.
Further inquiries may be made to Dr. Michael McKinnie, Director of Graduate Studies in Drama at Queen Mary, at:
The deadline for receipt of applications at Queen Mary is 3 July 2009.
Interviews are expected to be held on 10 July 2009 (date subject to final confirmation).