Out of the Wings

Posts Tagged ‘Betwixt and Between’

Translation and the Scenic Arts: Opera and Theatre. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 15-16 April 2010

4 March 2010

The Faculty of Translating and Interpreting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is hosting a two-day international conference on ‘Translation and the Scenic Arts: Theatre and Opera’, 15-16 April 2010. This conference is a joint project between the UAB and the Betwixt and Between research group, Queen’s University Belfast.


II Jornades Internacionals de Traducció en les Arts Escéniques: Opera i Teatre

Location: Classroom 1 & 2 of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.




  • Initial Meeting, Classroom 2 of the Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació (Faculty of Translation and Interpreting) of the UAB


  • David Johnston (introduced by Joan Sellent): “Translation, Translation Studies and Theatre Practice”



  • Chair: Miquel Edo
  • Rossend Arqués: “Les belles infidèles: les traduccions d’actor”
  • Laura Bernadini: “Teatro catalano contemporaneo in Italia: tradurre per la scena”
  • Eduard Bartoll: “La sobretitulació d’obres teatrals”


  • Chair: Anna Corral
  • Joaquim Sala: “Teoria i pràctica de la subtitulació d’Òperes: el cas d’Òpera oberta”
  • Francesc Cortès: “La traducció i adaptació d’obres líriques a Catalunya: la formació i deformació d’una òpera cantada en català”
  • Miquel Edo: “La rima, obstacle i repte en la traducció de llibrets d’òpera”

21h: Conference Dinner



  • Chair: Pilar Orero
  • Stephen Kelly: “Theatre Translation as Cultural and Historical Re-encounter: the British Reception of the Soweto Mysteries”
  • Sarah Maitland: “Performing Hospitality: Translation, Difference and the Intercultural Stage”
  • Aline Fernandes: “Travelling Plays, Travelling Audiences: From Marina Carr’s Irish Midlands to Somewhere Lost and Found in Brazil”



  • Chair: Ramon Lladó
  • Albers Franciscus: “Shakespeare on the Dutch scene”
  • Ramon Farrés: “Distorsions del llenguatge en la dramatúrgia austríaca contemporània: un repte per al traductor”
  • Joan Sellent: “La importància de ser fidel”


16h-17h: Round Table Discussion

  • Chair: David Johnston
  • Lawrence Boswell: Theatre Director
  • Sergi Belbel: Theatre Director, Dramaturg and Translator
  • Cristina Genebat: Actress and Translator

17h: Close

For more information, please email Professor David Johnston at Queen’s University Belfast: d.johnston@qub.ac.uk or contact the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the UAB: d.traduccio@uab.cat

‘The Many Lorcas’ Symposium a Great Success

3 November 2008

‘Out of the Wings’ was represented well at this weekend’s ‘Beyond Spanish: The Many Lorcas’ symposium at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry. We received a very warm welcome from the theatre’s Artistic Director, Hamish Glen. The day was well attended, with fifty delegates braving the rain to hear talks by David Johnston, Catherine Boyle, Jo Clifford, Mike Thompson, Paul Binding and Nicholas Boalsch. After a delightful sandwich lunch, we were escorted over to a theatre space next door where we were treated to a special performance of ‘Play without a Title’, translated by David Johnston and directed by Jonathan Heron of Fail Better Productions. After the production we were very privileged to be able to discuss the play and the director’s approach with the company, and the mix of theatre practice with a room full of knowledge of Lorca bred fruitful discussion. We were fed once again by the Belgrade’s fantastic catering service, after meeting the cast and dramaturg for ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’. As we had been discussing the play all day in the symposium, it was the perfect culmination to the day to see Gadi Roll’s full production up on the stage. Afterwards we chatted with the actors and translator and it seemed the symposium would extend into the night, with a real buzz around the day and a feeling of success and thought-provoking conversation.

In addition to thanking the ensembles of both ‘Play without a Title’ and ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’, we were especially impressed with the quality of the facilities, catering, and service provided by the Belgrade Theatre. We’ll certainly be back for another visit.

Beyond Spanish: The Many Lorcas

30 September 2008

A One-Day Symposium on the Work of Federico García Lorca

Saturday 1 November 2008, from 10.30 a.m., Belgrade Theatre, Coventry

  • Presentations from writers, translators, academics and theatre practitioners
  • Open discussion (more…)
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Out of the Wings

© 2010 King's College London