Out of the Wings

Posts Tagged ‘competition’

Out of the Wings Dragons’ Den Competition

4 February 2011

Out of the Wings wishes to offer the opportunity to compete for up to £10,000 to produce a play from our database of translated plays from Spain and Spanish America.

These plays are located at www.outofthewings.org.

We invite applications from students on postgraduate programmes on theatre and directing.

The adjudication process will take the form of a ‘Dragons’ Den’ type event in London, where applicants will present their plan for the production.

The format and rules for the competition are as follows:

  1. The event you are proposing must involve a live audience at a venue selected by you. You will be responsible for all aspects of the production, including ensuring that your chosen venue is available.
  2. The production must take place before 30 November 2011
  3. The competition is open to teams of students currently enrolled in a postgraduate theatre programme.
  4. Each team will be encouraged to attend a training session before the Dragons’ Den itself. This session is designed to help you with your business planning and presentation skills. This event will take place at King’s College London on the week beginning 28 February.
  5. Each team / entrant will submit an outline of the event (maximum 500 words) and a business plan (maximum 10 pages). This must include written confirmation from your venue. Your outline and business plan should be submitted to Out of the Wings at info@outofthewings.org. Hard copies may be sent to Professor Catherine Boyle, Out of the Wings, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, King’s College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS.
  6. The deadline for submission of applications is Friday 11 March 2011.
  7. The Out of the Wings Dragons’ Den event is scheduled to take place in London on the evening of Thursday 17 March. You will give a five-minute presentation and face questions arising from your outline and business plan. You are encouraged to invite friends and supporters to this event.
  8. The total prize fund for this competition is £10,000 and this will be awarded by the Dragons as they see fit.
  9. Dragons’ decision is final.

For more information, feel free to email us on info@outofthewings.org.

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