A celebration of José Triana in Cuban Theatre. 4 May 2012, King’s College London
Out of the Wings to welcome José Triana
King’s College London, 4 May 2012
Out of the Wings is delighted to announce a celebration of José Triana in Cuban Theatre.
The great Cuban dramatist, José Triana, will be at the event at King’s College London on 4 May 2012.
The event will include the dramatised reading of the José Triana’s unperformed one-act play, Allí están los Tarahumaras / Evaporation, translated by Catherine Boyle and directed by Sue Dunderdale.
A complete programme and full details will be published by 16 April.
For further information email: info@outofthewings.org or splas@kcl.ac.uk
Organised by Catherine Boyle and Fabienne Viala
When: 4 May 2012
Venue: King’s College London. Flyer and more details to follow.
Tags: events, Out of the Wings event, play readings, translation