Lorca – Out of the Wings http://blog.outofthewings.org Just another WordPress weblog Sun, 12 Jun 2016 10:18:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 ‘Blood Wedding’ at the Southwark Playhouse http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/04/blood-wedding-at-the-southwark-playhouse/ http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/04/blood-wedding-at-the-southwark-playhouse/#respond Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:10:47 +0000 http://blog.outofthewings.org/?p=68 The London theatre company Metta Theatre is proud to present an immersive production of Lorca’s Bodas de sangre (‘Blood Wedding)’ in English translation, performed at the Southwark Playhouse this summer, 21 July- 15 August 2009.

For further details see the production website.

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Lorca on Film Season, Ciné Lumière at the Institut Français, London on Friday 27th – Tuesday 30th March 2009 http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/03/lorca-on-film-season-cine-lumiere-at-the-institut-francais-london-on-friday-27th-tuesday-30th-march-2009/ http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/03/lorca-on-film-season-cine-lumiere-at-the-institut-francais-london-on-friday-27th-tuesday-30th-march-2009/#respond Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:55:06 +0000 http://blog.outofthewings.org/?p=44 This short film season offers both a consideration of the varied ways in which his plays have been envisaged for the screen – from Carlos Saura’s Bodas de sangre / Blood Wedding (1981) to Joaquín Oristrell’s Los abajo firmantes / With George Bush on My Mind (2003) – and explores the fascination that his life, loves and death have held for contemporary filmmakers including Juan Antonio Bardem and Paul Morrison. Ever wondered why Lorca exerts such a powerful hold on the cultural imagination? Well, ‘Lorca on Film’ offers a few answers in a cinematic journey that moves from Granada to Paris and from surrealism to the biopic, in presenting a unique perspective into the life, death and work of one of Spain’s most celebrated writers.

Curator Maria M. Delgado

Producer Joana Granero

]]> http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/03/lorca-on-film-season-cine-lumiere-at-the-institut-francais-london-on-friday-27th-tuesday-30th-march-2009/feed/ 0 Beyond Spanish: The Many Lorcas http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/02/beyond-spanish-the-many-lorcas-2/ http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/02/beyond-spanish-the-many-lorcas-2/#respond Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:38:46 +0000 http://blog.outofthewings.org/?p=43 On Saturday 1 November 2008 a symposium was held in the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, about Lorca and his work. You can now download video and audio of our discussions during the event from the University of Warwick Capital Centre webpage.

The symposium events are also available on Itunes by clicking here.

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‘Taking a Stand’: Federico García Lorca and The Bones of the Past http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/02/taking-a-stand-federico-garcia-lorca-and-the-bones-of-the-past/ http://blog.outofthewings.org/2009/02/taking-a-stand-federico-garcia-lorca-and-the-bones-of-the-past/#respond Wed, 04 Feb 2009 00:25:05 +0000 http://blog.outofthewings.org/?p=41 ‘Leave me in peace, brother’, begins Fergal Keane at the start of Radio 4’s ‘Taking a Stand’ this week. He suggests that this line from one of Federico García Lorca’s poems might now ‘usefully serve as a kind of epitaph’ for the poet and playwright’s family. Lorca was shot by Franco’s forces in August 1936 – at just 38 years old. His body lies, most probably, alongside tens of thousands of others in mass graves around Spain.

This week’s ‘Taking a Stand’ invites Lorca’s niece and President of the Lorca Foundation, Laura García Lorca, to explain her family’s decision to stand against the push in Spain to unearth the past – quite literally – through the disinterment of remains. For Laura and the Lorca Foundation, however, the wish to leave undisturbed the mass grave just outside Granada where Lorca is presumed to be buried is literal in another way. As she explains, it has nothing to do with a desire to forget or ignore what happened: it is quite literally a desire to leave human remains where they lie. ‘We don’t want the past to be buried’, she states, ‘we just don’t want the bones to be moved’

While some families, then, see disinterment as symbolic of reconciling past and present through the exposure and recognition of the crimes of the Francoist regime, Lorca’s family view it as a ‘very disturbing’ physical violation of the dead. Metaphor and literalism combine on the one hand; they exist in tension on the other.

‘He should not be singled’ out, Laura explains, regarding her qualms about the media’s particular focus on the Lorca family and their moral opposition to the disinterment (which seems likely to go ahead; the family never legally opposed it). Strangely, however, like the best historical theatre, the interview does give us a very visceral, yet still understated, impression of the singularity of one family’s suffering at the brutal murder of a son, brother and uncle during the Spanish Civil War.

You can listen here by clicking below for the next seven days:


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Beyond Spanish: The Many Lorcas http://blog.outofthewings.org/2008/09/beyond-spanish-the-many-lorcas/ http://blog.outofthewings.org/2008/09/beyond-spanish-the-many-lorcas/#respond Tue, 30 Sep 2008 18:09:48 +0000 http://blog.outofthewings.org/?p=14 A One-Day Symposium on the Work of Federico García Lorca

Saturday 1 November 2008, from 10.30 a.m., Belgrade Theatre, Coventry

  • Presentations from writers, translators, academics and theatre practitioners
  • Open discussion
  • Afternoon performance of Play Without A Title (Fail Better Productions, directed by Jonathan Heron)
  • Evening performance of The House of Bernarda Alba (Belgrade Theatre, directed by Gadi Roll)
  • All refreshments, including lunch and pre-show dinner

Cost: £55
Students / unwaged: £35
Further details: d.johnston [at] qub.ac.uk or www.belgrade.co.uk
Booking: Box Office, Belgrade Theatre, Coventry

(Places are limited and pre-booking is essential)

The Belgrade Theatre, in association with Fail Better Productions, Betwixt and Between: The Queen’s University Research Forum for Translation and Cultural Encounter, and Out of the Wings: The Spanish Theatre Translation Project

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